sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021

English 4, Post 1: 'A country you would like to visit'

There are a lot of countries I would like to visit, Asian and European countries mostly, but if I have to choose only one I would visit Japan, because I'm a big fan of videogames, especially of Japanese role playing games (JRPGs) such as Final Fantasy or Shin Megami Tensei among others and Japan is, basically, the birthplace of videogames. Also, I enjoy a lot watch anime and read manga.  

Japan is a very beautiful country with amazing landscapes and cities that I would like to visit if I go to there, but of course, only after visiting all kinds of videogame, anime/manga shops to buy a lot of things that I'd like to own.

Japan is also known for its culture that has customs and traditions so different from our occidental culture. For this last reason, I don't think that I would like to live in Japan, because they are pretty known for their strict rules about the work, the law, etc. So I think that I will not be very comfortable with that cultural shock.

1 comentario:

English 4, Post 8 [FINAL]: 'English Language challenges'

My experience learning English at "Universidad de Chile" has been quite difficult, not for the learning method but administrative ...