martes, 6 de julio de 2021

Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

Over the years I have studied a lot of subjects and attended a lot of classes, so there have been many subjects that I would say that I enjoyed studying (English being one of those hahah). But if I have to choose one, I would go with Organic Chemistry. Study different types of chemical compounds, how to synthesize them, performed practice activities in the laboratory, use chemistry reagents, and so on... When I remember all the things that I have learned about Organic Chemistry I can say, for sure, that I enjoyed studying it. However, some things kind of "ruined the experience" a bit for me, for example, the tests and the exceeding amount of time that I had to study in order to achieve good marks.

It is kind of funny because before I studied Organic Chemistry I knew very little about it, so I didn´t know what I was facing, but looking back to it, I am happy, because I can say that, finally I enjoyed studying it.

2 comentarios:

  1. I did not pass general chemistry 2 and I cant take organic chemistry. I hope I have the same enthusiasm as yours.

  2. Organic chemestry was one of my fav courses, all of theme (I, II and heterocyclic chem)


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