lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

Post 2: Why did I choose my major ?

When I was a child, I didn't think so much about what I wanted to be when I grow older, so when people asked me that question, I used to answer "I want to be an astronaut" or  "I want to be a firefighter", that kind of answer, but I wasn't being serious. So, by the time when I had to choose what I wanted to study, I had no idea of what to choose, so, after thinking about it a lot, I decided to enter to "Bachillerato" academic program. At there, I realized that I liked science especially chemistry, and also my chemistry marks were good, so, in the end I chose to study something related to chemistry. And this was how my experience at University began.

At University I've had good times but also bad times. I've met friends, I've learned a lot of things and I've had a lot of fun actually. But also there have been moments a lot of stress, when nothing went well, but in the end, here I am alive (hahaha).

My career has a lot of job offers. A pharmacist can work in a pharmacy, or in hospital, or in a laboratory, etc. But actually, I don't have a favourite one, I would like to work in any of these areas so I can grow experience and become a better professional.

1 comentario:

  1. I also answered the same when they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up xd


English 4, Post 8 [FINAL]: 'English Language challenges'

My experience learning English at "Universidad de Chile" has been quite difficult, not for the learning method but administrative ...