lunes, 24 de mayo de 2021

Post 4: A meal or food you really like

I enjoy eating different kinds of food, but I have never thought about what my favorite one is. But if I have to choose one I would go with the "completos" or the "Chilean hot dogs" speaking in fancy words (hahaha). Basically, they are a sausage inside on a long piece of bread (hot-dog buns) and you can add to them any kind of sauce, vegetables or condiment you want. I really like their versatility and the different flavors that they get depending on your choices of sauces or vegetables, although, they are not very healthy so I do not eat them so often, but, I have to say, they are so delicious!

One example of Chilean hot dogs is the "Italian" which has avocado, tomatoes, and mayonnaise. Or the "German" which has "chucrut" (It is a condiment which consists of fermented cabbage in water with salt), tomato, and mayonnaise. There are many other types of "completos" but I would rather not think about them anymore because I'm getting hungry, hahahaha.

martes, 11 de mayo de 2021

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

I have never thought about what piece of technology is my favorite one, really. I use a lot my cellphone, my laptop, etc. But if I have to choose one I would say that my favorite ones are definitely video-game consoles, because I've had so much fun using them to play video-games and besides I've been through experiences that had a great impact on me, video-games that aren't just a fun experience, they are much more than that. 

In my spare time I usually use a ps4 to play, and that allows me to relax, have a lot of fun, enjoy great stories, etc. Especially in this quarantine time, when we are all locked in our houses without many things to do. If someone asks me if I recommend these pieces of technology I would totally say yes, any console you want. 

English 4, Post 8 [FINAL]: 'English Language challenges'

My experience learning English at "Universidad de Chile" has been quite difficult, not for the learning method but administrative ...